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Jeremy Frankel /real...NEWS...reports

Trump Continues to Show

Himself To Be America’s Warrior

The last two weeks are arguably unprecedented in American history. Fresh off a debate where he showed the sitting President to be the senile octogenarian we all knew he was, the presumptive Republican nominee was shot at a rally, only to stand up immediately, pump his fist, tell the crowd to “fight,” and, within a few days, formally accept the GOP nomination and continue to rally.

A few days later, Donald Trump’s Democrat opponent, Joe Biden, knowing he couldn’t possibly compete with that, dropped out of the race, rather than face an expected landslide loss to the former President.

Despite the left and the Democrat Party’s never-ending attempts to get rid of him, Trump is still here, and Biden hasn’t been seen in days.

And, despite the Democrat attempts over the last decade to frame him as a Russian spy, ban him from the ballot as an insurrectionist, jail him for phony crimes that they conjured, and assassinate him, Trump doesn’t seem fazed at all. In fact, it seems that he grows continuously stronger.

This is the type of leader our country needs.

And his enemies know that this type of spirit that Trump shows is the American spirit. They must get rid of him in order to get rid of us, the American people, who want nothing more than for our country to become great again. Trump is the one standing in the way of the left coming after us.

What other reason do they have for letting their Hamas-loving criminals and illegal aliens roam the streets while arresting people for praying near an abortion clinic or having the nerve to protest a stolen election?

Trump knows the threat that the left and the Democrat Party is to America and her citizens, which is why he takes everything they throw at him, even now bullets, in stride.

No one else in a similar situation, who could take his billions of dollars and retire easily, could withstand what Trump has over the last decade from the Democrat Party. But saving America from them is too important for him to simply fold and abandon his country and her people. His commitment to protecting Americans for generations to come, including taking a bullet for the country, will cement him into a historic figure if he weren’t already one.

That alone is why we owe our general, as his supporters, utter victory in November. We are going up against a formidable, corrupt foe in the Democrat Party and its new icon, Kamala Harris, and we need to make it too big to rig. We cannot afford to be sunshine patriots or summer soldiers. We must follow President Trump’s lead to “fight” and deliver nothing short of a resounding win. A win that will, for generations, solidify the mandate to Make America Great Again.

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