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The Traumatization of the American Psyche

By Larry Maglio

At the risk of sounding cliché, it has been said we are living in interesting, if not unusual times. It was reported the Chinese had a saying, “May you live in interesting times.” While the origins of this expression are still disputed, it has also been characterized as a Chinese curse because of the ironic nature of the expression. Interesting could mean turbulent times, war, etc. A related expression also attributed to the Chinese sheds some light on the ironic nature of the expression “It is better to be a dog during peacetime than a human in times of war.”

As a 13-year-old, John F. Kennedy, a childhood hero of mine and others was assassinated. Our collective feeling of security would never be the same. True my father and my uncles had dealt with Pearl Harbor, serving in WW2, and being witness to the extreme carnage and brutality experienced by our soldiers in the Korean War, however, events would start to rattle our security as a nation in our homeland from that point forward.

The turmoil starting with the Civil Rights movement, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, urban riots, the assassinations of MLK, & RFK helped to shatter a sense of domestic tranquility.

The assault continues today and has cost us as nation-we are no longer shocked because we are now suffering collectively from a form of post-traumatic stress (PTSD) disorder. We are beyond “shock” and somewhat desensitized to our new reality.

This is not without significant impact on our ability to grasp what is going on in our current realm. The numbing effect of being inundated with so many unprecedented events, both small and large is preventing any one event from getting the attention it should. We can hardly process the information when we are hit with some new event. For instance, Fani Willis’s boyfriend is known to have met with the Biden administration on one or two occasions.

In the past, our country was unlikely to tolerate open attempts to undermine the justice system, yet Nathan Wade’s collusion with the White House brings into question the Democrat's willingness to use the justice system to interfere in an election with no real legal basis.

The overreach of Biden’s executive branch to use the judicial system to sideline a competitor who is running ahead in the polls is the true crime. Compared to Richard Nixon’s charges regarding Watergate of “Obstruction of Justice” and “Abuse of Power” this ongoing attempt to derail President Trump’s election is far more dangerous to our Republic. Despite the significance of this alleged collusion, it hardly is in the headlines. Why? Partly, because the mainstream media fails to report news like professional journalists and in part because we the people have become numb to the extraordinary events of the day.

All this points to a grand conspiracy, which the “swamp” and the politicized government agencies, are not about to investigate. Not only does this conspiracy involve local jurisdictions in several states and the Federal government, but the timing of the prosecutions seems to point to a coordinated effort to negatively impact the leading opponent currently occupying the White House.

Meanwhile, the feckless Republicans show no inclination to roll up their sleeves and start demanding through their committees the log records of these meetings between Nathan Wade and the Administration to subpoena all parties to expose the true purpose of these meetings.

Maybe they will hit a vein of who is behind this conspiracy. Obama, Soros, the Clintons, Zuckerberg, and the remaining Koch brother. Who knows? This lawlessness must not be allowed to take place without repercussions-otherwise it will never stop.

James O’keefe, I know you are doing a lot to fight for truth and justice. Maybe you can put people inside the Justice Department and “fish” information on what’s going, on and who’s behind the underhanded if not outright illegal strategies we are witnessing to derail a major political candidate for President of the United States.

Maybe the citizens of New York can do a FOIA request asking for all Alvin Bragg’s visitors in the last two years before he decided to prosecute President Trump. Connections can be made.

As a youth, I watched with amazement at the Congressional hearings where the witnesses were given no quarter. They were questioned seriously and forcefully. When necessary they were broken by being caught in a lie. Today it seems like a pre-arranged show of amateur prosecutors who can’t frame a question maybe the exception of Elise Stefanik.

In any case, quote the slogan of James O’Keefe’s O'Keefe Media Group: “Be brave, do something.” Let’s make sure we don’t become so callous and numb, that we accept these “interesting times” as the norm-they are not. Do something, otherwise we lose this republic worked and fought for by our founders and those that followed.

C:\Users\Larry\Documents\ARTICLES\The Traumatization of the American Psyche.docx



By Larry Maglio  
September 26, 2023

It’s often the unexpected events and happenstance that shape our viewpoint. The other day, after fasting for some bloodwork (including no caffeine) I stopped at the local Burger King for a quick bite and more significantly, my first cup of coffee of the day at 4 PM.

While I was about to “dig in” I overheard another customer in my proximity, struggle with the phrase: “The Biden………family” while speaking to woman, who appeared to be his wife,  I decided to jump in and complete his thought.  Excuse me I think you’re looking for the phrase: “The Biden Crime Family.”  The gentleman smiled and acknowledged that was what he was looking for. Meanwhile his wife turned and asked me if I was a Trump supporter.  I acknowledged without hesitation that I was and proud of it.

I went on to say I don’t know how anyone could support any political figure that was as corrupt as Joe Biden. She had a painful look on her face and started to spew out the usual diatribe about President Trump’s family being just as guilty of the same offenses.  I retorted if his children had a fraction of the criminality of Hunter they would now be in prison serving a very long sentence.

It turns out the husband was in total agreement with me. The wife asked me what my wife thought of Trump. When I said I lost her several years ago she expressed her sympathy. The question reminded me of something I often wondered about.  While she was always someone that I could always rely on to use logic, reasoning and “out of the lines” thinking I also knew she had a very strong sense of propriety and civility. 

Would she have fallen prey to the propaganda of Trump being too crudely direct for public office or would she get it and appreciate that this was his strength? 

Trump would not be intimidated by any “politically correct” intimidation in an effort to suppress his getting his message out. After all from the start they portrayed Trump as an over the top figure which in the current “politically correct” climate would label a man an ogre for not hesitating to push back on anyone who attacked him and his message, even if it was coming from a woman.

When they were leaving the husband jokingly said to wish him luck and I told the wife not to be so stressed about Trump that life is too short, etc. etc.

It was revealing that although I live in one of the five boroughs that I like to characterize as the “Free Republic of Staten Island” the media has done its damage with their propaganda and lies. This is a modern day aberration unlike any other time in our history. In spite of the 45th President having a long list of accomplishments and promises kept, the division caused by “Trump derangement syndrome” still persists enough to keep us divided.

Unlike other times in our history this is a division created by the corporate mass media. Social media and small news outlets get the truth out, with much of the populace, but are also victims of manipulation, cancellation and “fact checkers” that distort the impact of their message.

All is not lost, and there is plenty of reason to be optimistic but we must realize the obstacles they present are making what normally would be an overwhelming victory for Donald J. Trump now a question. It shouldn’t even be close. 

Whether it is suppression of information about Hunter Biden, or a clear examination of the 2020 election the corporate media has unduly tilted the scales in favor of the extreme left and the globalists. Can Trump heal the country and return free speech-a pillar of or republic upon his (with divine intervention) return in 2024?


By Larry Maglio  

Merriam Webster, Definition

Apparatchik noun ap·pa·rat·chik ËŒä-pÉ™-ˈrä(t)-chik plural: aparatchiks also apparatchiki ËŒä-pÉ™-ˈrä(t)-chi-kÄ“

1: a member of a Communist apparat 2: a blindly devoted official, follower, or member of an organization (such as a corporation or political party)


A couple of years ago, I decided to take the advice of Daniel Shultz and follow his guidance to become a committee person. The premise was if the grassroots was engaged in the political process, things would be easier for my favorite President, Donald J. Trump to help turn around those trends that threaten our republic.

At that time I was virtually clueless as to the serious shape we were in as a nation.  I always distrusted the government from the time I became a Reagan Republican.   Going through the national traumas of three assassinations, 9/11, and wars without end I slowly woke up to the reality that we were not “fully” in control as a sovereign people.

However, a simplistic view of the super-rich vs the everyday citizen did not explain what was happening in our country. The shape and form of what we were fighting only came clear when 45, the “disruptor” plowed through the status quo, the conventional Washington group-think and showed that our system can work, and work well.

The only thing that is important to remember, as a disruptor he antagonized both sides of the aisle who were vested in what we now know is a corrupt system that superseded the interests of the citizens. Donors with deep pockets were always in control but this was never revealed until Donald T. Trump pushed back with common sense policies that made the system work for all socio-economic classes, ethnicities, and races.

The ire of the elites was provoked by this challenge to their monopoly on policies that favored them but not the citizenry in general.  Most all his policies had positive results and were put in place legally without violating his oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States. President Trump once said his greatest achievement may be having exposed the depth of the “Deep State” and the media in our country and its negative impact on our political system.  This challenge to the elites was an existential threat to their power. This can be evidenced by the extreme reaction of this group as exemplified by (cancel culture) censorship, the politicization of government agencies, collusion of government with the press, election manipulation, and unequal justice through the use of political prosecution of Trump supporters among other areas too numerous to mention here.

The unprecedented heat of this fight between the establishment and the “MAGA” movement, had some in the general population question whether Trump was too volatile, so radioactive that he would be a liability in taking back the Republic. 

The party system has evolved to try not to go to any extremes in their selection of candidates or establishment of party platforms.  Here’s my take: Extreme times require extreme measures.  The local Republican Party instead of stoking the fire is looking to ignore or quell it. This is a BIG mistake! Instead of capturing the passion of people disgusted by the attempt to indoctrinate children, take down statues that represent our founding, or try to smear the America First (MAGA) Movement and its followers as terrorists, the apparatchiks go with milk toast or candidates that are ineffective in giving the messaging that would bring independents, and possible Democrats over to our side.


The evolution of the party structure seems to be bpased on the false premise that progressivism is inevitable. Maybe they don’t like to embrace the harsh concept of “social Darwinism” where the individual with his God-given gifts and attributes advances through their own efforts to achieve whatever level they can in society in spite of the government. The party has been corrupted with liberal ideology and the donor class over the years and has diluted its message to the point many elected officials are considered RINOS or members of a Uni-Party with little distance in their beliefs and approach from that of Democrats. The leadership and their apparatchiks are not principled conservatives or constitutionalists in the vein of Senator Barry Goldwater and the Republican Presidential Candidate in 1964. Goldwater did not equivocate on the principles of liberty and freedom. It was not negotiable or subject to softening to be made more palatable to the other side of political expediency. He stated “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue”  Today, the Party, including the RNC itself is trying to distance itself from the harsh reality that the country is on fire in a state of emergency.  The party allowed events like Jan 6 and the COVID hysteria to manipulate public opinion and the electoral process. What comprehensive steps has Rona McDaniel taken to ensure our presidential election? Instead of dealing with these difficult issues that present an existential threat to our country, leaders like Kevin McCarthy affirmed in a phone call with Steve Scalise, that he thought it was an insurrection. When that tape surfaced he should have been removed as speaker right then and there. So where are we today? The leadership supports candidates that don’t offend the independents and Democrats instead of helping to promote statesmen who can articulate the message of the loss of our liberties and the general decline of our country. Now, more than ever the opportunity exists to connect with people disenfranchised by the loss of their purchasing power and the continuation of the federal government fanning inflation with massive expenditures to accommodate illegals and support a futile war in Ukraine. People don’t miss the irony of our borders going unprotected while with through money for a foreign country to defend theirs. The party has to have a conversation. Is it better to have a congressman who’s a Republican but votes half the time for Democrat Party bills or to have a solid conservative-constitutionalist? Either way, the answer is grassroots participation.  The large number of vacancies that exist shows there is no great push to recruit full participation in county politics. Couldn’t this help with the need for “boots on the ground” and the infusion of new ideas? My first experience at my first Committee meeting was a vote as to whether we agreed to the agenda as advertised. I was surprised to see a unanimous “Yay” vote. At my next meeting, I intend to vote nay, just for the hell of it.

If we as individuals can’t step up and be bold we can’t expect to change the system and stand to lose the country. The 20 rebels who gave Speaker McCarthy his marching orders are a prime example.  Although it may feel awkward, or uncomfortable, we must do what is necessary just like 45.* Join the party and be a pest to the status quo instead of just winning.  We can make a difference.

*P.S.  Talking to others within the 5 Boroughs and New Jersey, the political entrenchment of party apparatchiks is not uncommon.members new products and more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you've chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you've selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes. \nYou've chosen a terrific way of integrating images and text into your website. Move the image anywhere you want in this container and the text will automatically wrap around it. You can display events team members new products more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you've chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you've selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes.



Mr. Maglio has been an advocate and political activist since 2015 with a long history of research on the cutting edge of issues, especially in New York State. Larry dedicated 47 years of service as a Specialist in Contract Purchasing and Budget Office for the largest Bureau within the NYC Department of Sanitation. He is a graduate of the College of Staten Island. He has been the Coordinator of  The Meetup Group “Trump Supporters NYC” since 2017. The group has met at the Trump Tower on 5th Ave in Manhattan.  Mr. Maglio is a hands-on journalist attending multiple Community and Campaign Events and Rallies. He is effective as an analyst and reporter while maintaining a fair and transparent review of all the facts.

To contact Larry:

Phone: (646) 229-1345 

Group allegedly spying on Chinese nationals had Mayor Adams as honored guest at gala


October 21, 2022                   

( Updated)

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is seen at a Sept Group allegedly spying on Chinese nationals had Mayor Adams as honored guest at gala

 New York City Mayor Eric Adams is seen at a Sept. 26 gala for America ChangLe Association NY Inc., the troubled charity that operates a downtown police station that has been accused of spying on the Chinese diaspora.


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The troubled charity that runs a Chinese police station in Lower Manhattan, allegedly set up to spy on Chinese nationals in the US, held its annual gala dinner last month with Eric Adams as its honored guest — but the mayor did not disclose his participation at the event on his official agenda, The Post has learned.

Adams attended the glitzy Sept. 26 dinner at a Flushing, Queens, restaurant, sponsored by the America ChangLe Association NY Inc., which owns and operates the police station on East Broadway that has been accused by a human rights group of spying on the Chinese diaspora. The non-profit was blacklisted by the IRS in May, according to public records.

According to his official public schedule, Adams returned from a short visit to the Dominican Republic that day “to support recovery efforts following Hurricane Fiona.” The schedule indicated that Adams would travel back to New York City in the afternoon, but it made no mention of the dinner which began at 6 p.m.

 The America ChangLe Association NY Inc. paid $1.3 million for offices at 107 East Broadway that houses the Fuzhou Police Overseas Chinese Affairs bureau, filings show. Watchdogs claim it is used for keeping tabs on Chinese nationals in the US.William Farrington

However, according to photos posted of the event by businessman George Xu on his LinkedIn page, Adams was onstage at the event. Other Democrats in attendance included State Senator John Liu and City Council Member Sandra Ung, and representatives from the offices of Congresswoman Grace Meng and City Council member Christopher Marte. At least two members of the NYPD were also seen in the photos.

Xu, a Queens-based real estate developer, attended the party which featured 1,000 guests and celebrated the inauguration of America ChangLe Association’s new president, James Lu, according to his LinkedIn post.

Lu, the president of a Queens-based food company, contributed $4,000 to Adams’ mayoral campaign in 2019 and 2021, according to public records.

 Adams, seen here at the Sept. 26 event, received $4,000 in political donations from the man who is now America ChangLe’s president, James Lu, public records show.

At the dinner, Adams made a speech honoring the America ChangLe Association, according to a Queens-based Chinese language news service post. “As an important and powerful social organization, the ChangLe Association of the United States gathers a large number of economic talents, makes great contributions to New York where they live, and plays an important role in promoting new immigrants to improve their quality of life in New York,” Adams said, according to the outlet.

The non-profit, which was incorporated in New York in 2013 and listed its charitable mission as a “social gathering place for Fujianese people,” paid $1.3 million three years later for the suite of offices at 107 East Broadway that houses the Fuzhou 


Police Overseas Chinese Affairs bureau, filings show.

In May, the IRS yanked the group’s tax-exempt status for its failure to submit tax filings for three straight years, according to public records. A phone number linked to the charity’s East Broadway offices “is currently turned off or temporarily off line,” a recording says.

 State Senator John Liu was also at the Sept. 26 event.

The Manhattan police station is part of a web of more than 100 such law enforcement offices set up around the world by the People’s Republic of China, ostensibly to help Chinese nationals renew their government-issued identification and drivers’ licenses.

But the stations allegedly have a darker purpose, according to a recently released whistle-blower report.“Openly labeled as overseas police service stations … they contribute to ‘resolutely cracking down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities involving overseas Chinese,’” claims a September report by Safeguard Defenders, a Madrid-based human rights group that documents Chinese repression around the world.

 Also in attendance at the event were City Council Member Sandra Ung, and representatives from the offices of Congresswoman Grace Meng and City Council member Christopher Marte, as well as members of the NYPD.

The stations also participate in “intimidation, harassment, detention or imprisonment” to spy on dissenters and return migrants, according to the report.

“These latest revelations show Mayor Adams is failing to fundamentally ensure the people of New York City and the world that their safety and wellbeing are firmly rooted in the laws of the United States of America, not the Communist Party of China,” said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog group.

Federal agents have long sought to crack down on spying and harassment of Chinese nationals by the Chinese government in the US. On Thursday, the Department of Justice unsealed an indictment against seven Chinese nationals in Brooklyn, charging them with “participating in a scheme to cause the forced repatriation of a PRC national residing in the United States,” according to a DOJ press release.

 “These latest revelations show Mayor Adams [seen above with Liu at a different event] is failing to fundamentally ensure the people of New York City and the world that their safety and wellbeing are firmly rooted in the laws of the United States of America, not the Communist Party of China,” said the director of one watchdog group. Matthew McDermott

“The victims in this case sought to flee an authoritarian government, leaving behind their lives and family, for a better life here,” said Michael Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge, of the FBI’s New York Field Office in the statement. “That same government sent agents to the United States to harass, threaten, and forcibly return them to the People’s Republic of China. The actions we allege are illegal, and the FBI will not allow adversaries to break laws designed to protect our nation and our freedom.”

Calls and emails to Liu and Ung were not returned Friday.”

Obviously the mayor would never support that,” said a spokesperson for the mayor, referring to spying by Chinese police  “The mayor is invited to and attends dozens of events each week. His attendance is either to show support for a local community or boost the city and does not constitute any kind of endorsement.”

“Members of the NYPD’s Community Affairs Bureau were invited to attend a gala held by the America ChangLe Association of NY in September. There were roughly 1000 members of the Asian community present at this event,” a DCPI spokesperson told The Post. “NYPD Community Affairs members were there to promote community relations and safety as they do at any event they attend.

A spokeswoman for Marte confirmed that “a representative of our office was in attendance. We were unaware of any illegal affiliations with the Chinese government.”


Group allegedly spying on Chinese nationals had Mayor Adams as honored guest at gala

By  ISABEL VINCENT                                                        NY POST

Police Overseas Chinese Affairs bureau, filings show.

In May, the IRS yanked the group’s tax-exempt status for its failure to submit tax filings for three straight years, according to public records. A phone number linked to the charity’s East Broadway offices “is currently turned off or temporarily off line,” a recording says.

 State Senator John Liu was also at the Sept. 26 event.

The Manhattan police station is part of a web of more than 100 such law enforcement offices set up around the world by the People’s Republic of China, ostensibly to help Chinese nationals renew their government-issued identification and drivers’ licenses.

But the stations allegedly have a darker purpose, according to a recently released whistle-blower report.“Openly labeled as overseas police service stations … they contribute to ‘resolutely cracking down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities involving overseas Chinese,’” claims a September report by Safeguard Defenders, a Madrid-based human rights group that documents Chinese repression around the world.

 Also in attendance at the event were City Council Member Sandra Ung, and representatives from the offices of Congresswoman Grace Meng and City Council member Christopher Marte, as well as members of the NYPD.

The stations also participate in “intimidation, harassment, detention or imprisonment” to spy on dissenters and return migrants, according to the report.

“These latest revelations show Mayor Adams is failing to fundamentally ensure the people of New York City and the world that their safety and wellbeing are firmly rooted in the laws of the United States of America, not the Communist Party of China,” said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog group.

Federal agents have long sought to crack down on spying and harassment of Chinese nationals by the Chinese government in the US. On Thursday, the Department of Justice unsealed an indictment against seven Chinese nationals in Brooklyn, charging them with “participating in a scheme to cause the forced repatriation of a PRC national residing in the United States,” according to a DOJ press release.

 “These latest revelations show Mayor Adams [seen above with Liu at a different event] is failing to fundamentally ensure the people of New York City and the world that their safety and wellbeing are firmly rooted in the laws of the United States of America, not the Communist Party of China,” said the director of one watchdog group. Matthew McDermott

“The victims in this case sought to flee an authoritarian government, leaving behind their lives and family, for a better life here,” said Michael Driscoll, Assistant Director-in-Charge, of the FBI’s New York Field Office in the statement. “That same government sent agents to the United States to harass, threaten, and forcibly return them to the People’s Republic of China. The actions we allege are illegal, and the FBI will not allow adversaries to break laws designed to protect our nation and our freedom.”

Calls and emails to Liu and Ung were not returned Friday.”

Obviously the mayor would never support that,” said a spokesperson for the mayor, referring to spying by Chinese police  “The mayor is invited to and attends dozens of events each week. His attendance is either to show support for a local community or boost the city and does not constitute any kind of endorsement.”

“Members of the NYPD’s Community Affairs Bureau were invited to attend a gala held by the America ChangLe Association of NY in September. There were roughly 1000 members of the Asian community present at this event,” a DCPI spokesperson told The Post. “NYPD Community Affairs members were there to promote community relations and safety as they do at any event they attend.

A spokeswoman for Marte confirmed that “a representative of our office was in attendance. We were unaware of any illegal affiliations with the Chinese government.”



The only thing that is important to remember, as a disruptor he antagonized both sides of the aisle who were vested in what we now know is a corrupt system that superseded the interests of the citizens. Donors with deep pockets were always in control but this was never revealed until Donald T. Trump pushed back with common sense policies that made the system work for all socio-economic classes, ethnicities, and races.

The ire of the elites was provoked by this challenge to their monopoly on policies that favored them but not the citizenry in general.  Most all his policies had positive results and were put in place legally without violating his oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States. President Trump once said his greatest achievement may be having exposed the depth of the “Deep State” and the media in our country and its negative impact on our political system.  This challenge to the elites was an existential threat to their power. This can be evidenced by the extreme reaction of this group as exemplified by (cancel culture) censorship, the politicization of government agencies, collusion of government with the press, election manipulation, and unequal justice through the use of political prosecution of Trump supporters among other areas too numerous to mention here.

The unprecedented heat of this fight between the establishment and the “MAGA” movement, had some in the general population question whether Trump was too volatile, so radioactive that he would be a liability in taking back the Republic. 

The party system has evolved to try not to go to any extremes in their selection of candidates or establishment of party platforms.  Here’s my take: Extreme times require extreme measures.  The local Republican Party instead of stoking the fire is looking to ignore or quell it. This is a BIG mistake! Instead of capturing the passion of people disgusted by the attempt to indoctrinate children, take down statues that represent our founding, or try to smear the America First (MAGA) Movement and its followers as terrorists, the apparatchiks go with milk toast or candidates that are ineffective in giving the messaging that would bring independents, and possible Democrats over to our side.


The evolution of the party structure seems to be bpased on the false premise that progressivism is inevitable. Maybe they don’t like to embrace the harsh concept of “social Darwinism” where the individual with his God-given gifts and attributes advances through their own efforts to achieve whatever level they can in society in spite of the government. The party has been corrupted with liberal ideology and the donor class over the years and has diluted its message to the point many elected officials are considered RINOS or members of a Uni-Party with little distance in their beliefs and approach from that of Democrats. The leadership and their apparatchiks are not principled conservatives or constitutionalists in the vein of Senator Barry Goldwater and the Republican Presidential Candidate in 1964. Goldwater did not equivocate on the principles of liberty and freedom. It was not negotiable or subject to softening to be made more palatable to the other side of political expediency. He stated “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue”  Today, the Party, including the RNC itself is trying to distance itself from the harsh reality that the country is on fire in a state of emergency.  The party allowed events like Jan 6 and the COVID hysteria to manipulate public opinion and the electoral process. What comprehensive steps has Rona McDaniel taken to ensure our presidential election? Instead of dealing with these difficult issues that present an existential threat to our country, leaders like Kevin McCarthy affirmed in a phone call with Steve Scalise, that he thought it was an insurrection. When that tape surfaced he should have been removed as speaker right then and there. So where are we today? The leadership supports candidates that don’t offend the independents and Democrats instead of helping to promote statesmen who can articulate the message of the loss of our liberties and the general decline of our country. Now, more than ever the opportunity exists to connect with people disenfranchised by the loss of their purchasing power and the continuation of the federal government fanning inflation with massive expenditures to accommodate illegals and support a futile war in Ukraine. People don’t miss the irony of our borders going unprotected while with through money for a foreign country to defend theirs. The party has to have a conversation. Is it better to have a congressman who’s a Republican but votes half the time for Democrat Party bills or to have a solid conservative-constitutionalist? Either way, the answer is grassroots participation.  The large number of vacancies that exist shows there is no great push to recruit full participation in county politics. Couldn’t this help with the need for “boots on the ground” and the infusion of new ideas? My first experience at my first Committee meeting was a vote as to whether we agreed to the agenda as advertised. I was surprised to see a unanimous “Yay” vote. At my next meeting, I intend to vote nay, just for the hell of it.

If we as individuals can’t step up and be bold we can’t expect to change the system and stand to lose the country. The 20 rebels who gave Speaker McCarthy his marching orders are a prime example.  Although it may feel awkward, or uncomfortable, we must do what is necessary just like 45.* Join the party and be a pest to the status quo instead of just winning.  We can make a difference.

*P.S.  Talking to others within the 5 Boroughs and New Jersey, the political entrenchment of party apparatchiks is not uncommon.members new products and more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you've chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you've selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes. \nYou've chosen a terrific way of integrating images and text into your website. Move the image anywhere you want in this container and the text will automatically wrap around it. You can display events team members new products more easily and creatively. To start add an image from the Image Picker and edit it as you would edit any image in the system. For example you can link the image to existing pages in your site a website URL a popup or an anchor. After you've chosen the image add your text. You can add text that describes the image you've selected or simply use the image for decorative purposes.

New Paragraph

(continued from "CITIZEN'S NEWS BLOTTER"


............For a significant portion, but not a majority of the opposition, who have bought into the propaganda, this was not anywhere a “knockout.” Will Trump win the election-probably. Will the country continue to be divided? Most definitely.

The recent Supreme Court decision on Facebook and the FBI’s collusion to suppress speech underscores the depth of our problem. For some technical point that itself was nebulous, the court sided with the position that there was no actual violation of the first amendment either as to law or the spirit of the law-this is a major part of the problem. Pusillanimous justices, acting like law professors clung to a minor technicality to avoid making an important decision in favor of our most sacred amendment, the first amendment.

If this was in President Reagan’s time, Trump’s performance in the debate would have assured a landslide victory that Reagan had with 525 electoral votes, 29 States and 58% of the popular vote.

Unfortunately, with the grip of the main-stream media & social media giants like Google and Facebook, etc. that ship has sailed. The Orwellian approach to information, disinformation, and outright propaganda from the government bureaucracy and the

corporate media has dulled the people's ability to judge accomplishments and failures of our political leaders to make the right decision on where to cast their votes.

The missed opportunity of the Republicans to rip to shreds the conspiracy of Democrats and the “select” J6 Committee are a factor in allowing Biden and the Democrats to continue to use the protest as a cudgel against President Trump. The failure to defend J6’ers as political prisoners by the Republicans was also a missed opportunity that leaves doubt in some people's minds that there was actually an insurrection.

President’s Trump victory is also in question when you consider, the election steal has never been litigated and a comprehensive nationwide solution still may not be in place.

If Biden’s performance showed his incapacity, it is likely to lead to Biden’s replacement. Do they have anyone on the bench that is viable? It seems like they don’t-but who can know for sure.

Time will tell if I'm right or wrong, I pray I am proven wrong and Trump not only wins, but wins by an overwhelming margin to help unite the country. Let’s start praying now. It’s a mere 131 days until the election.

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