August 25, 2022
Senator Bob Menendez 528 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Bob Menendez,
I sent you the attached two letters through your website two weeks ago on August 11, 2022. So far, I have not received any response from your office, and I understand that this issue might not be considered as an urgent one. However, for the Taiwanese American community, it is not only imperative but also urgent.
For your easier understanding by reading these two attached letters, please allow me to sum it up in a few sentences. We, Taiwanese Americans, do appreciate greatly and fully support your endeavors in bringing forth this important Taiwan Policy Act 2022. We also understand that it is very tempting to recognize the current administration of the Republic of China (ROC). However, we do not wish to see the Taiwanese sovereignty betrayed again by recognizing a foreign entity in legality to obstruct a future Republic of Taiwan (or Formosa). We respectfully request a serious reconsideration of accepting the ROC flag and its related emblems as symbols of Taiwanese sovereignty. According to a most recent poll, the majority of Taiwanese are expecting the birth of a new nation of Taiwan (Formosa). Their long fights against two entities, a Chinese regime in exile (the ROC constitution on Taiwan) and the PRC in China, deserve our respect and recognition by not pushing Taiwan toward a one-China or two-China hot water any further.
I have included a resolution to the Taiwan Policy Act 2022 in my attached letter for your kind thoughts.
Best regards,
Dr. Michael Yeun
5th Article
August 11, 2022
Dear Senator Bob Menendez,
Greetings from Paramus!
I am looking forward to seeing you on September 16th at the reception of Taiwanese American Community.
I welcome your introduction of Taiwan Policy Act 2022 (S. 4428). However, we believe that it is imperative to modify it so that it will serve the best interests of Taiwan and the US in mind.
Please allow me to go straight to the point of the issue which lies in Sec. 103 b (1) (2) in particular. If we recognize this flag of the ROC as the Taiwanese flag, it will contradict and forfeit the spirit of the Taiwan Relations Act which gives room for the Taiwanese people to grasp their sovereignty at some point of their history. Please reconsider the gravity of rescinding the restriction on these symbols and emblems. These actions could cause serious consequences to the future constitutional rights of the Taiwanese people as a new nation.
You see, in the current ROC Constitution, according to ,
there is an Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China are the revisions and constitutional amendments to the original constitution to meet the requisites of the nation and the political status of Taiwan "prior to national unification". The Additional Articles are usually attached after the original constitution as a separate document. It also has its own preamble and article ordering different from the original constitution.
I would like to propose a way of modification for the rebirth of the nation of Taiwan (Formosa). In this Act, we can propose and suggest strongly that the ROC's national flag and all its military emblems are recognized by the US as a temporary measure. To reflect the truth and the reality, the ROC and its current constitution, including its flag and all the symbols which imply the entire China as its old territory, have to go away eventually. Perhaps, we may be able to assist the reunification of both "Chinas". Yet, let Taiwan be Taiwan!
Thank you for your kind attention.
Best regards,
Dr. Michael Yeun
4th Article
Dear Respectable Speaker Pelosi,
Your Excellency is not afraid of the threat and obstruction of inhuman hegemony, and you resolutely visited Taiwan, which is respected by the world and will be remembered forever. Our Taiwanese people all over the world deeply feel your concern and support. The U.S. Military Advisory Group has supported and guided Taiwan in its fight against the CCP, and the people of Taiwan are very grateful. Today, the CCP is blocking the Taiwan Strait and its surroundings and conducting military exercises, undermining the peace and stability of the Western Pacific and the Indo-Pacific region, as well as hindering the operation of marine and aviation transportation and the economy.
In view of the operation of the U.S. Military Advisory Group to maintain peace and stability in Taiwan, and the CCP's attempt to seize Taiwan, which will create a "fait accompli", should the U.S. deploy the U.S. military to garrison Taiwan again to quell the CCP's mischief? The following paragraphs explain the legal reasons and basis for the Definition of Taiwan as "Taiwan" in accordance with the "Taiwan Relations Act' and the US military garrison.
Deploying ahead of time is better than remedying fait accompli.
On August 3, 2022 the introduced S. 4428 Bill "Taiwan Policy Act of 2022" has the purpose of "To support the security of Taiwan and its right of self-determination, and for other purposes." The following sections (SEC.) are of great concern to Taiwan and the people of Taiwan:
Congress finds the following:
(11) The Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States-
(C) reaffirms that Taiwan's future must be determined peacefully and in accordance with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan.
In this Act:
(3) REPUBLIC OF CHINA. -The term "Republic of China” means the East Asia island country commonly known as "Taiwan?
(a) IN GENERAL. -The Secretary of State and other Federal departments and agencies shall-
(1)engage with the democratically elected government of Taiwan as the legitimate representative of the people of Taiwan; and
(2) end the outdated practice of referring to the government in Taiwan as the “Taiwan authorities".
Notwithstanding the continued supporting role of the American Institute in Taiwan in carrying out United States foreign policy and protecting United States interests in Taiwan, the United States Government shall not place any undue restrictions on the ability of officials of the Department of State or other Federal departments and agencies to interact directly and routinely with their counterparts in the Government of Taiwan.
(a) DEFINED TERM - In this section, the term "official purposes" means-
(1) the wearing of official uniforms;
(2) conducting government-hosted ceremonies or functions; and
(3) appearances on Department of State social media accounts promoting engagements with Taiwan.
(b) IN GENERAL.-Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall rescind any contact guideline, internal restriction, section of the Foreign Affairs Manual or the Foreign Affairs Handbook, or related guidance or policies that, explicitly or implicitly, including through restrictions or limitations on activities of United States Government personnel, limits the ability of members of the armed forces of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and government representatives from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office to display, for official purposes, symbols of Republic of China sovereignty, including-
(1) the flag of the Republic of China (Taiwan); and
(2) the corresponding emblems or insignia of military units.
(a) STATEMENT OF POLICY.- It shall be the policy of the United States, consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96-8; 22 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.) and the Six Assurances
(1) to provide the people of Taiwan with de facto diplomatic treatment equivalent to foreign countries, nations, states, governments, or similar entities; and
(2) to rename the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office" in the United States as the "Taiwan Representative Office"
(b) RENAMING. -The Secretary of State shall seek to enter into negotiations with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office to rename its office in Washington, DC, the "Taiwan Representative Office"
(c) REFERENCES. - If the negotiations under subsection (b) results in the renaming of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office as the Taiwan Representative Office, any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States Government to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office shall be deemed to be a reference to the Taiwan Representative Office, including for all official purposes of the United States Government, all courts of the United States, and any proceedings by such Government or in such courts.
The aforementioned Act "TPA-2022" SEC.102 and SEC.103 are similar to the Act S.1260 «United States Innovation and Competition Act-2021? (USICA-2021) Sec.3215 Treatment of Taiwan Government and Sec.3216 Taiwan Symbols of Sovereignty; TPA-2022 SEC.104 is the same as the Act H.R.4521 SEC.30209 TAIWAN DIPLOMATIC REVIEW, although H.R.4521 has been incorporated into USICA-2021. This means that the US Innovation and Competition Act-2021" has not yet become law, and the "Taiwan Policy Act-2022" reproduces the provisions of S.1260 and H.R.4521 on Taiwan's status and symbol into a new bill and proposed by the Senate and House of Representatives.
S.4428 "Taiwan Policy Act-2022" (IPA-2022) defines the 'Republic of China" as "Taiwan", and thus defines the Republic of China (Taiwan), Republic of China, and Taiwan is all using the ROC flag. However, according to international law, the Republic of China is a country with only Kinmen and Matsu as its territory, while Taiwan is a political entity or government that governs the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores in according to the Definition of TRA, the two political entities are not equal. "Republic of China (Taiwan)" is more like a cow's head with a horse's mouth, who knows it is a cow or a horse. Since the "Six Assurances-1982" stated that "the United States has not altered its
position regarding sovereignty over Taiwan" based on International Public Law, the Taiwan Relations Act', the "Six Assurances", the "Taiwan Travel Act-2018', and the past years' "National Defense Authorization Act' to maintain peace, security and stability in the
Western Pacific, at this time the status of Taiwan has not been determined, and China attempts to unify Taiwan by force, to prevent Taiwan from being occupied by the Chinese People's Liberation Army and thus create a "fait accompli'; based on San Francisco the "Treaty of Peace with Japan", there are 45 World War II Allies agreed that the United States was the principal occupying Power, the United States could station troops to defend Taiwan.
The Republic of China (ROC) accepted the instructions of the Allied Forces "General Order No. 1" after World War II, and has occupied Taiwan since October 25, 1945. The ROC has no sovereignty of Taiwan, nor does the People's Republic of China (PRC). Taiwan is not a part of China (PRC and/or ROC), so ROC cannot be Taiwan and Taiwan is not ROC. Due to the United Nations Resolution 2758 "PRC inherits ROC" if according to TPA-2022 SEC.3. "ROC is Taiwan', the PRC that inherits ROC is also Taiwan, which is fundamentally contrary to international consensus. Taiwan defined by TRA is the islands of Taiwan and the Pescadores. According to the «TPA-2022 SEC.2" Taiwan's
future must be determined peacefully and in accordance with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan. The United States may let the people of Taiwan hold a referendum to decide our own future. After Taiwan becomes a country or a state, the United States can, like Japan and South Korea, station troops in Taiwan openly and aboveboard, avoiding the CCP's threat and actions of locking the islands at any time.
Sincerely Yours,
Taiwan (Formosa) International Volunteers Regiment
August 9, 2022
The Honorable Friends of
Formosa Taiwan: Supporting and
in Review of Dr. Kiantek Sim.
By Dr. Michael Yuen
Article 3
Why is the "Cairo Declaration" of 1943 "FAKE (OUTDATED)"?! First let us look at the timeline of Cairo Communique, the original true name of the "Cairo Declaration", was released by the US and the UK alone separately on Dec. 1, 1943.
Please review the statements of two major participants, the US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill through the link below.
#1. According to Roosevelt's Fireside Chat (12/24/1943) below, he did mention about the stolen property but also he stressed the recognition of the rights of people and their self-government without molestation.
[14]Roosevelt Fireside Chat of December 24, 1943. item 27. On Teheran and Cairo Conferences .
At Cairo, Prime Minister Churchill and I spent four days with the Generalissimo, Chiang Kai-shek. It was the first time that we had (had) an opportunity to go over the complex situation in the Far East with him personally. We were able not only to settle upon definite military strategy, but also to discuss certain long-range principles which we believe can assure peace in the Far East for many generations to come.
Those principles are as simple as they are fundamental. They involve the restoration of stolen property to its rightful owners, and the recognition of the rights of millions of people in the Far East to build up their own forms of self-government without molestation. Essential to all peace and security in the Pacific and in the rest of the world is the permanent elimination of the Empire of Japan as a potential force of aggression. Never again must our soldiers and sailors and marines -- and other soldiers, sailors and marines -- be compelled to fight from island to island as they are fighting so gallantly and so successfully today.
#2. Now, look at Prime Minister Churchill's statement which is more explicit.
On February 1, 1955, when Churchill was suggested that Formosa (Taiwan) be handed over to China under terms of the "Cairo Declaration", he rejected and replied “The declaration contained merely a statement of common purpose”(see British Parliament records)[13]1955.2.1 British Parliament records
Also, he stated that the "Cairo Formosa Declaration" was OUT OF DATE in the New York Times the next day.
[12]1955.2.2 New York Times
In Short, this "Cairo Communique", merely a common purpose (or policy) in a meeting to suit the war time, was invalidated due to the end of WWII (September, 1945). It was "boosted up or upgraded" to a "Declaration" by someone to gain the false legitimacy (the weight of an international treaty) for the illegal continuation in occupation of Taiwan Formosa by the Chinese-in-exile military force and refugee of Chiang's ROC. Now, its "legitimacy" conveniently has been extended to the enemy of the ROC, the PRC so that both can hold the people of Taiwan Formosa as ransom to threaten the main principal of the estate, the Formosan Taiwanese and the American people.
For details, please read the attached recent important article written by Professor Sim Kiantek.
Dr. Michael Yeun
Stop Sino-Russian from Blocking
the Taiwan Strait, the Cairo
Declaration Is Not China’s ATM!
Article 2
Sim, Kiantek, Doctor of Business Administration.
Submitted by Dr. Michael Yeun
As inscribed in the Bible : Simply let your `Yes' be `Yes,' and your `No,' `No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Matthew 5:37. Russia and China are just doing differently, as the Predators of the Taiwan Strait.
On February 28, 2022 Beijing announced again the “One China Principle” , which was based on the faked “Cairo Declaration” , to assert sovereignty over Taiwan and claim Taiwan Strait on June 13 the same year, caused severe tensions in the Indo-Pacific. Russia supported China, formed a New Axis of Evil.
A look back on history found China and Russia were using the distorted Cairo Declaration as the legal basis for the international cheating:
(1) In a cablegram dated 24 August 1950 ( S/1715) addressed to the President of the UN Security Council, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China (Chou En-lai) stated that …Taiwan was an integral part of China was based on history and confirmed by the situation existing since the surrender of Japan. It was also stipulated in the Cairo Declaration of 1943 and the Potsdam communique of 1945. The people of China were determined to liberate from the United States aggressors Taiwan and all other territories belonging to China. [1]
(2) On September 19, 2012, Xi Jinping told visiting U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta that Japan's "purchase" the Diaoyu Dao ( Pinnacle, or Senkaku) Islands openly questioned the legal effects of the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation. [2]. China used the Cairo Declaration to claim Senkaku Islands.
(3) 2017/02/07 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met the press after holding the fourth round of China-Australia Diplomatic and Strategic Dialogue in Canberra, Australian, journalists inquired about whether there will be military conflicts in the South China Sea between China and the US and what information is expected to be passed to the US from China.
Wang Yi expressed upon inquiry that “ I just want to offer a piece of advice to the US friends: review the history of World War II. From the long history of mankind, the end of World War II is not too long from now. As a victory result of World War II, the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Proclamation clearly stipulate that Japan must return the stolen Chinese territory to China, including the Nansha Islands.”[3]China used the Cairo Declaration to claim South China Sea Islands.
(4) On February 28, 2022 ,Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi video addressed at the meeting in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Shanghai Communiqué that “In 1943, leaders of China, the United Kingdom and the United States issued the Cairo Declaration, stating clearly that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China.” [4]
(5) 2022.4.7 based on his statement in item (4) above, Wang Yi warned U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visiting Taiwan “ would be a malicious provocation against China's sovereignty and gross interference in China's internal affairs” [5] Pelosi then cancelled the planned visit.
(6) On May 5, 2022, US Department of State deleted 'Taiwan is part of China' ‘we do not support Taiwan independence’ on its Fact Sheet.
On MAY 26, 2022 Chinese Ambassador to the US Qin Gang Published an article on the South China Morning Post stating: “The Cairo Declaration issued by the leaders of China, the US and Britain in 1943 clearly states that all territories Japan stole from the Chinese, such as Taiwan and Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China. The Potsdam Proclamation of 1945 affirmed that the terms of the Cairo Declaration would be carried out.”
On MAY 28, 2022 The US State Department changed its fact sheet, put back the sentence ‘we do not support Taiwan independence’ [6]
China openly laughed at US reiteration of ‘Taiwan independence’ wording flip-flops, a big joke.
(7) Therefore, On June 13, 2022 Wang Yi’s speaker Wang Wenbin followed Wang Yi by stating: “China has sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait. At the same time, it respects the lawful rights of other countries in relevant waters.” The first time China officially claimed sovereign over the Taiwan Strait. [7]
(8) On June 15, 2022 Xi talks with Putin over phone, confirmed“China is willing to work with Russia to continue supporting each other on their respective core interests concerning sovereignty and security” [8], as a response to the Joint Statement of Russia and the PRC of February 4, 2022 . In which, the Russian side “reaffirms its support for the One-China principle, confirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposes any forms of independence of Taiwan.” [9]
The legal basis of Russia’s position in item (6) above, according to UN records, is the Cairo Declaration evidenced by the UN files below:
(a) 1951. The representative of the USSR recalled that … the Cairo Declaration clearly recognized that Manchuria, Formosa and the Pescadores belonged to China and would be restored to it. Article 8 of the Potsdam Declaration confirmed the decisions taken at Cairo on the subject. The United States Government itself had confirmed the facts in a communiqué dated 5 January 1950. [10]
(b) 1971. Statement of Mr. MALIK, representative of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: The fact of the return of Taiwan to China after the Second World War is recorded in the most important international documents: in the Cairo Declaration of 1 December, 1943 and the Potsdam Declaration of 26 July, 1945, and it is recognized by a whole series of state, including the United States of America. [11]
Were Pelosi, Blinken, and the States scared by the fabricated Cairo Declaration?
If yes, the predictable next step of China and Russia is to block the Taiwan Strait if possible. The like-minded countries should take actions to stop them sooner the better.
Since the term “Cairo Declaration” Wang Yi called had never been in existence until 1945, in article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation, obviously he deliberately intended to cheat.
And the “Press Communique” of the 1943 first Cairo Conference was released separately by the US and the UK alone on December 1, 1943. China, on December 2, 1943 (D.C. and London time), the time difference of the release of the Communique showed the position difference between US /UK and China per se.
Neither the Cairo Declaration nor the Press Communique contained the meaning Wang Yi mentioned “territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China.” Indicating that it was not the purpose of Roosevelt or Churchill, they had the responses:
On February 1, 1955, when Churchill was suggested that Formosa (Taiwan) be handed over to China under terms of the Cairo Declaration, he rejected (see New York Times [12] and replied “The declaration contained merely a statement of common purpose”(see British Parliament records)[13]
At Cairo, Egypt 1943 President Roosevelt reiterated stolen property restored to its rightful owners and recognized the rights of self-government for the Far East people, including Taiwan(Formosa) and Manchuria. Please see his Fireside Chat of December 24, 1943. [14]
At Cairo, Egypt 1943, when negotiating the “Press Communique” said above, Prime Minister Churchill insisted that Taiwan(Formosa) and Manchuria “must of course be given up by Japan.” Thus “Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China” was not the common purpose of US ,UK and China, consequently not contained in the Cairo Declaration, as Churchill indicated above.
Therefore, the Cairo Declaration did not include the phrase “Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, shall be restored to China” as Wang Yi hoped above.
“Beijing has a habit of distorting history” pointed out by David R. Stilwell, former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, he said “we should go back and consult the facts as often as we’re able”. [15]
For more information, please go on line “Resolve Tensions in Indo-Pacific” and “Purpose VS Common Purpose: What's the Difference”.
About this article and the author myself :
I started doing research on the Cairo Declaration in 1990. More than 30 year’s research works accomplished this article.
I am a former Associate Professor in the Department of Business Administration at National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.
I have more than 200 articles and related campaign reports on Taiwan sovereignty published by The Liberty Times (in Chinese) and The Taipei Times(translated or reported in English) up to the present time.
For my works and reports in The Taipei Times please google:
For my works in The Liberty Times please google:沈建德&type=talk&page=1
If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
Yours sincerely
Sim, Kiantek, Doctor of Business Administration
Article 1
*** Statement on May 15, 2022, Shooting at Taiwanese Irvine Presbyterian Church, Laguna Woods, CA ***
We know this is not a normal hate crime, but a premeditated politically motivated act. We tend to reject the notion of the personal mental origin of 68-year-old killer David Chou who led to his heinous crimes! We call this a "politically motivated action" because there is evidence that David Chou is affiliated with the "(US) China Peaceful Unification Enhance Party, CPUEP" in Las Vegas and is a member of the board of directors. Perhaps , CPUEP can deny its involvement by citing David Chou's personal actions. However, this personal action is consistent with the Chinese Communist Party's intimidating military operations against Taiwan over the past 70+ years. Furthermore, we do not exclude the support of Chinese Communist Party in the US CPUEC and Taiwan CPUEP.
In any case, this crime sheds light on the tragic modern history of Taiwanese who went under the illegal occupation by the exiled political entity, the Republic of China (shipped to Taiwan, Formosa by the US), . We, the victors of World War II, listened to Chiang Kai-shek's lie that Taiwan (Formosa) was "stolen" from China by Japan. At the end of World War II, in order to fuel Chiang Kai-shek's struggle with Japan, ignored the Taiwanese (Formosan) well -being and sovereignty, Taiwan (Formosa) became a reward for Chiang Kai-shek's Republic of China. This was followed by the 228 massacres of Taiwanese by Chiang's army (1947) and a 37 years of martial law (1947-1984), the longest uninterrupted period of martial law in human history. Those were to suppress the voices and hopes of the Taiwanese for the establishment of an independent Taiwanese republic. .
From February 28, 1947 to May 15, 2022, 75 years later, a pro-"One China" killer killed Dr. John Cheng on American soil, reminding Taiwanese of their tragic history under the Republic of China. This fact of the ROC still exists in Taiwan. Its DPP government is collaborating with the KMT (Nationalist Party) brought by Chiang to suppress genuine Taiwanese independence, which is the pursuit of a genuine Taiwanese government under a true Taiwanese constitution.
Although Taiwan appears to be independent superficially, it is still not independent in law's view. Should it be high time the United States correct its past mistakes and actively support a genuine Taiwanese government to protect Taiwanese citizens (even Americans) from terrorist acts of Chinese aggression ?
Today, under Taiwan's ROC constitution, the "China Peaceful Unification Party" (CPUIP) or even the "Chinese Communist Party" (CCP) is not really seen as a threat to the national security of the "State of Taiwan". Thus, the The ROC regime sees them as legal entities under the fog of democracy.
Taiwanese have no hatred for the Chinese brought by Chiang Kai-shek or their descendants in Taiwan, because they have become a part of this new Taiwanese people! But a very small number of those people still do not agree with the future state of Taiwan as their country. Because they look down on Taiwanese, do not appreciate and hate Taiwanese, just like the Chinese. However, Taiwanese understand their state of mind, but the violence and killings caused by the "Republic of China" system cannot be sympathized and tolerated!
We ask the United States and her people to stand up for the free world and our nation's most important ally, the future genuine Taiwan Republic (Formosa) and its sovereignty.
We can at least take actions and declare the China Peaceful Unification Enhance Party (CPUEP) a terrorist producing organization.
With great sadness and heavy hearts, we condemn this violent and cowardly act of a deliberate mass murderer.
We express our deepest condolences to the family of Taiwanese American hero Dr. John Cheng. We pray for all the wounded Taiwanese Americans.
Thank God for saving so many lives through the heroic sacrifice of Dr. John Cheng!
Truth Alliance - USA
May 18, 2022